Utah Legislative leadership takes a firm stand against Biden vaccine mandates
Citing a commitment to business-friendly policies and the need to protect personal liberties, Utah Senate President J. Stuart Adams and House Speaker Brad Wilson released a letter to Utah business owners and employees pledging to protect their rights.
The letter came in response to a mandate from President Biden empowering the Department of Labor to enforce the vaccination requirement, which targets businesses employing more than 100 people. Under the unfunded mandate, those refusing to be vaccinated would be required to submit to weekly COVID-19 testing, which employers must police.
Adams and Wilson affirmed their consistent commitment to the vaccine effort, calling it “the most effective measure we can take to reduce the strain on our hospitals and save lives.” However, they say the president’s mandate “grossly exceeds his authority,” “is not the proper role of government,” and “should not become the new precedent.”
In their letter to business owners and employees, legislative leaders invited interested stakeholders to share feedback and concerns at an October 4 public hearing of the Business & Labor Interim Committee. That hearing will take place at 9 am in Room 30 of the House Building at the Capitol Complex.