Online Charter Schools

RRJ Consulting has been extra busy during this Covid 19 pandemic but we are really excited about a project we have worked on for one of our clients, Pearson. Pearson supports Utah Connections Academy, a local Utah public charter school.

As a result of the pandemic, many families and students have been concerned about the future of their child’s education. Utah Connections Academy has an enrollment cap that limits the number of students who can attend. However, Utah Connections has seen a surge in interest unlike anything they have ever seen. We were able to work closely with the Legislature, State Board of Education and State Charter School Board to raise their enrollment cap. Yesterday, the State Board of Education endorsed the proposal.

Many thanks to Rep Jefferson Moss, Sen Deidre Henderson, Sen Jerry Stevenson and the members of the State Board of Education and State Charter School Board who made this opportunity possible.

You can read more about the effort and final vote here.