
Meet the people and join the conversation at RRJ Consulting. From events and personal narratives to travel advice, this is RRJ outside the Capitol.

We’ve made it to the final week of the legislative session. Only one more committee hearing for each subcommittee remains, and many hours and late nights as lawmakers debate final bills on the floor.

We’re nearing the finish line and working hard on Capitol Hill!

Another week has come and gone. We hit the halfway mark this week! The Senate and House have been busy working to craft budgets and pass policies that benefit the people of Utah.

Week three of the 2023 General Legislative Session has come to an end. The House and the Senate began morning and afternoon floor debates and appropriation committees are finalizing prioritized lists.

Week two of the 2023 General Legislative Session has come to an end. Friday was the last day for lawmakers to submit Requests for Appropriations and all short titles for bills became public. We are following along closely as Senate and House members propose, debate, and pass policies that will impact our clients and the people of Utah.

Welcome to the 2023 General Legislative Session where lawmakers meet for 45 days to consider, debate, and pass policies that will impact Utahns statewide.


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